Open your Notepad and type this code or copy it with a single click. This is a simple code for greeting message, It will respond to you according to the time of the day, on the basis of the system timing. How To Make Your Computer Talk To You With VBScript You can change this section that says “ It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity” Or type whatever you want to hear it Open the Notepad and type the following code or copy it with a single click and paste into your Notepad. You should have to type that code on Microsoft’s Notepad. You should have to create the VB Script it is very easy to and doesn’t require any special programming software. you just copy the mentioned code and use it. So here is mention about some script langue that you can use to make your computer talk. How to Make Your Computer Talk to You With VBScript there are Three types of VBScript environment which is IIS (Internet Information Server), WSH (Windows Script Host), IE (Internet Explorer). Now Visual Basic is the primary scripting language that most o the professional tester use that. it is a lightweight and activating scripting language which is developed by Microsoft which is modeled on Visual Basic. How to Make Your Computer Talk to You With VBScript.